Freeze/crash when adding video file. Help!!!!!
hi guys. im trying to add my tv series folder but when ever i try it lets me select the folder and what to scrape it with then when i press ok it just freezes and eventually i have to start task manager and close it. i am using eden v11 and on window 7 on a as rock atom nvideo htpc.

Can someone please advise how i can overcome this issue. many thanks
I have sorted it now. Quite disappointed with the low response for help and advise!!!!
I have kind of the same issue.

Good practice would be to post what your solution was, not just say you solved it.
I uninstalled XBMC, rebooted and installed it again. Again rebooted then started up XBMC tried it again and was working again as it should. Give it go zippo might work for you as well!!

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Freeze/crash when adding video file. Help!!!!!0