Advance Launcher
Hey guys I don't know if this should be here or in another thread but here goes. I'm using the Aeon Nox skin in my xbmc and I'm trying to set up separate sections on my menus. One for Pc games and another for comics. The thing is that I did set up these two items on my menu. But both the pc games and the comics section on my menu both contains the pc games as well as the comics. It's like doubles of the same thing but name differently on my menu. And this is not what I was aiming for. I am confused as how to do this. I saw a video about duplicating another advance launcher. I'm wondering if that is the way to go or as I simply thought just creating everything in advance launcher and then creating smart playlist or something to this effect. Is there a tutorial on how to set up multiple items of different criteria's at once in advance launcher and then creating separate playlist/sections on the menu? All help would be greatly appreciated.

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