Win Sound Problem

I´m having some problem with my PC and XBMC. Everything run great, just I have some problem with my Creative SB X-Fi (I think). At first it´s all normal but sometimes come some anormal sound, like a fast explosion(I don´t know how to describe it) and it´s really annoying.

Under normal use, it´s run normal, the problem appear just with XBMC.

I really apreciate some help..
Plataform: AMD FX-8120 | ATI Radeon HD7800 | 16Gb Corsair
| 500Gb Samsung + 320Gb + 1,5Tb | Windows 7 Professional 64Bits | Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium| Creative Inspire T6160 5.1
| XBMC mit Night | Philips 220SW + AOC M2752V:sniffle:

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