Choppy playback on SOPHIX 7" tablet
I just got a SOPHIX 7" tablet from gamestop. I know, I know, it's an $80 tablet, what do I expect? Well, not much. I got it for my daughter for xmas and I figured it would be a fun toy to play a few games on but when I saw XBMC was on Android, that sold me.

Anyhow, I know its not a very powerful machine however, it does advertise HD video playback. Anyway, when I set it up to stream from our NAS at home, all the video is extremely choppy. like 10FPS or something similar.

Is this the machine or XBMC?

If its the machine, its going back!

What kind of media were you trying to play?
most of them were .mkv - bluray rips - 720p. Just for a test, I tried to play an episode of full house which is a fairly low quality SD file, only a couple hundred MB which played equally choppy. Almost like if you didn't have a graphics driver installed.

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Choppy playback on SOPHIX 7" tablet0