MPG Not Playing? Or Am I Buggy?

i might be a bit paranoid here, i haven't done all testing to provide the coders.... but, have somebody else out there been having trouble with svcd, mpg, mpeg movies playing at all? (picture just being black, tv just showing actual channel name, (like ext1)) and xbox hanging?)

i'm a frequent builder of the latest cvs's, so anything might be happening :-)

i'm using my latest build as of last night. played some mpgs. no problems for me.

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i got this problem with the latest build from cvs (today):
i can't play mpg too. vob files are working, but no mpg. somehow when selecting an mpg the hdd spins down, and up again. not sure if this is good for the hdd... ;-)
Quote: (picture just being black, tv just showing actual channel name, (like ext1)) and xbox hanging?)

this sounds like the problem i got with my avis using improper resolutions ->;t=2363

maybe its the same cause. at least my screen stays black too.

not the case for nei at least as it was fixed yesterday.
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MPG Not Playing? Or Am I Buggy?0