XBMC 12 Beta 2 Mysql fine, No Thumbs showing up.
Hey all,

I currently installed a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 lts and wanted to try out XBMC 12 Beta to see how things are working. looks awesome from what I have been through.

My only problem is, I have set up a Mysql DB and scanned all my content into the ubuntu box xbmc fine, Now when connecting my ATV2 with XBMC 12 Beta I get no thumbnails but the Mysql database is there. I have tried copying the thumbnails folder which took about forever, and tried the removing texture13.db. Not sure if I did things right. Any help would be great, I would love to see how the thumb cache is working out in this release. Thanks.
Have you tried any of these solutions: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...BMC_to_v12
Hey Ned,

1. No need to Back-up. Did a fresh iinstall and scan of files.
2. I am seeing MySQL on all devices, just not the art that goes with it. I also follow the wiki when setting up MySQL when I do.
3. This is what I did, I have a 1.9 gig thumbnails folder so copying this over to an ATV2 was a bit like watching paint dry!

I reinstalled xbmc 12 beta for Ubuntu and am rescanning some files. It is now saying Beta 3 in XBMC. Maybe Beta 2 had an isssue.

I am Cpying thumbs over to ATV now and will see how that goes,

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XBMC 12 Beta 2 Mysql fine, No Thumbs showing up.0