WinXP - GUI won't display on start up - DN2800MT
Please help - When I start up XBMC V11 (I've also tried 12.0 Frodo with same result) I get a blank screen. It's as though it can't render the display. I can't figure out why though. I've got the latest drivers installed from here. I've checked the log file and there's nothing that stands out to me.

I seen others using the board to run XBMC with windows 7, but have yet to see anyone using XP. Please help, this is my first media center build and its SO close to working.

M/Board: DN2800MT
Display: HDMI (TV)
Graphics Driver Installation: I copied this guide

Welcome to the XBMC forums.

Please do not post logs directly in posts since they cause too much clutter. Instead, upload your entire log file contents to or and post the assigned URL for your uploaded log here with your reply. However, in order to capture more diagnostic information, you must first enable debug log (wiki)ging in XBMC. Since you are unable to make this setting change in the XBMC GUI, you need to create an advancedsettings.xml (wiki) file in your userdata (wiki) directory with the following contents:
Restart XBMC and upload the new debug log (wiki) (xbmc.log) as explained above. Thanks.
So I've enabled debug and located the debug file at

Once again hopefully someone has had this problem or knows how to solve it, and hopefully someone has used this board successfully with winXP.

I'll keep working on it and post any updates.

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WinXP - GUI won't display on start up - DN2800MT0