FRODO: Do I need my .tbn files anymore ?
May I ask a quick question? I have read (Frodo FAQ 1.16), and searched the forums, but it is not clear…

If I am using Frodo RC2 on all my devices, and I “export video library” separate, and save my poster and fanart to my NAS (and that is now being saved as .jpg)…

Do I no longer have a need for the .tbn files that were exported to my NAS? Can I delete the .tbn files to save space?

So... yes, Nod I know the .tbn files are left over from the old XBOX days... and that .tbn is a format just like jpg... But the question is: If I am on Frodo, are the .tbn's being used / referenced anymore.

Can I just wipe 'em all out?

If you have poster.jpg then no need for the .tbn
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(2013-01-01, 00:04)jmarshall Wrote: If you have poster.jpg then no need for the .tbn


Since all my information has been exported, and files like "aaaa-fanart.jpg", "aaaa-poster.jpg", and "aaaa-thumb.jpg" exist... (where "aaaa" represents the name of the file...)

Then I can report that using Frodo / 12.0 / Confluence Skin, I have deleted all my .tbn files (thousands ! ) without any negative effect.

Thanks for the answer!

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FRODO: Do I need my .tbn files anymore ?0