Remote troubles, info button not working
So then I've noticed that the Info button did not work, not sure when it stopped working, but it worked on builds over a year ago. So I decided to start a new install to check out if things started working better now. It did not.

I have a Logitech remote, set up to use the "Media Center PC" profile which emulates a normal MCE remote.

Why can't XBMC just work? (Almost) all other button works. Isn't XBMC MCE-compliant? Smile

I need the Info button! Smile
Configure the MCE remote info button to send key 'i' using 'mceremotemapper.exe'. Another way is to find out what key the info button sends using a tool like showkey.exe and edit the xbmc keyboard.xml file. A simpler way is to install 'xbmccustomresgis' and restart for the change to effect.
okay. but why cant xbmc just work with a normal remote? seems strange and not user friendly.
Info button on my MS MCE remote worked fine right off the bat.

Sure it isn't this issue I was having earlier with content getting set to none?

Updated to full V12 and on my desktop, I key is no longer working (i do not use a remote, I have no keymap file located in the %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\keymaps
Anyone else having the problem, very annoying.
Having same problem.

Info on my Harmony suddenly stopped working. Did a reinstall and it worked for 5 mins then, after an update stopped working again. (V12 final).
This exact problem just happened to me too! Yesterday, I was browsing titles and using the I key to check information, browser the actor lists and everything was fine. Today, no changes, and the I key is completely not functioning!

How can I troubleshoot this?

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Remote troubles, info button not working0