Auto detect dd/dts passthrough or decode
I have 3 xbmc installation in my home. ATV1, Raspberry pi and macbook.
And they all have the same XBMC audio setting, the DD/DTS capable receiver settings are checked.
All of them are connected to my DD/DTS capable receiver with HDMI cable.
My receiver also supports HDMI standby passthrough.

Everything works fine, i can hear multichannel DD/DTS audio from my receiver when my receiver is switched ON.
If my receiver is switched OFF, i have only video in my tv without audio. To have audio, i have to uncheck DD/DTS capable receiver in XBMC audio setting. Stop and Play the video, then i have stereo audio from my TV.
This is the situation for my ATV1 and macbook.

But, raspberry pi is a little bit different. In my raspberry pi, the DD/DTS capable receiver in XBMC audio setting is always checked. Not necessary to uncheck it when i bypass my receiver. I always can hear proper audio output from my TV (stereo) or receiver(DD/DTS).
It seems to me raspberry's xbmc version can detect to passthrough or to decode audio.

Anyone knows if this is a feature of xbmc for raspberry only?

I know raspberry xbmc uses omxplayer, and the linux version uses DVDPlayer.

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Auto detect dd/dts passthrough or decode0