When XBMC idle, windows screensaver kicks on
I recently upgraded to Frodo on my Win8 HTPC. When XBMC is idle (in the menus, for example), instead of the XBMC screensaver coming on (Dim), the Windows screensaver comes on. Any ideas on how I can fix this so XBMC blocks the Windows screensaver no matter what? I much prefer to have only the XBMC screensaver be used.
I believe there's some debate on how to handle this. It used to be that XBMC was king and would override system-wide screen savers and such, but I guess there were some concerns from plasma TV users about burn-in, and maybe some other stuff. I think they're still debating on how this should be handled, but for now I think it's simply a case of OS-screen saver is king, and if you don't want it you have to turn it off.

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When XBMC idle, windows screensaver kicks on0