advancedsettings.xml and fanart/thumbnails?
Hi, i have set up a mysql server and are using the advancedsettings videodb feature to sync alla my htpcs. I thought, since frodo, the pathsubstitition for fanart/thumbnails where all handled by the videodb feature? I can't get that part to work, it stores the downloaded fanart/thumnails locally?
this is my advancedsettings.xml

Frodo will keep them in sync with each other, but they don't share the same folder, and instead save locally to each XBMC machine. This is recommended because it's much faster this way, and is the whole point of an image cache. However, if you have a set up where you don't have a lot of local memory, and thus need to store the thumbnails folder over the network to save space, you can still use the old pathsubs part of the advancedsettings file.

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advancedsettings.xml and fanart/thumbnails?0