Is It Okay To Delete nfo's And tbn's From Hard Drive ?

I just updated to Frodo and have Aeon Nox. My media is using local files - The nfo's and tbn's that I made with export library. But now its effecting my movies. The clear logo goes over the poster. So I changed it manually but next time when I start XBMC it goes back to it.

So I ask It is okay to delete nfo's and tbn's in the hard drive ? As before it was using it from the artwork downloadar - Remote and the jpg, png files it downloaded.


If not delete it is okay to change the tbn file to jpg (Meaning Those Actors, Season Poster Files ) ? Will this effect the media when I start XBMC ?

I apologies if this the incorrect place to post, If users can kindly please direct me or share a link if this has been asked before.

Thank you
After you scan them in it's okay to delete them. The only reason to really keep them at that point is as a backup. It's odd that it's causing issues in your situation, so I might be understanding what's going on correctly.

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Is It Okay To Delete nfo's And tbn's From Hard Drive ?0