no minus or plus box
Hi everyone over the last thew days a forum member (leepenny) has really stuck with me and helped me solve my problem
with xbmc which has been fantastic, the problem i have now is i wanted to show my appreciation
by giving him a plus towards his reputation, and there is no minus/plus box down by the pm & find box in the left hand corner
not quite sure why, any suggestions would be great thanks.....
lol i think i get it
then again not
You should "get it" now that you have 10 posts (I believe that's the threshold). Smile
(2013-02-20, 01:41)artrafael Wrote: You should "get it" now that you have 10 posts (I believe that's the threshold). Smile

must be more than 10 as that's what I have right now and I don't see it.

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