Win Prefer Eden
Hi again.. is it ok to reinstall/keep Eden? or is it now defunct/discontinued?
Really cant take so much buffering every 60 mins or so
So plz clarify that eden is still an option
Nothing is stopping you from continuing to use Eden... until things start breaking (especially add-ons) and the authors only provide fixes for the current XBMC version. Or there are new functions/add-ons that you won't be able to use because they are only available for the current version. Or you run into a problem of some kind and you ask for help on the forums and no one is able to assist because they no longer use that old version.

But, no, the Eden code won't self-destruct just because it's no longer the current version.
ok thnaks for the heads up, its just that Frodo keeps buffering every 60 secs or so
sorry to respond so late, its just that i decided to reinstall Eden for the time being
I presume you checked your Audio Settings after installing Frodo, as the XBMC wiki clearly advises ?

It can cause issues with video buffering if they are set incorrectly.
well... i did not know that
so plz tell me what is the correct audio settings, i really do like frodo
This is funny cuz i said the same thing...

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so u did saitoh so u did
well i'll reinstall Frodo now over Eden and tinker around
the audio settings some and see how it goes
If u guys advice is correct, then i wasted a shitload of time
installing and reinstalling multiple times
But i warn u, if u are wrong, there will be Hell to Pay
Install Frodo to a different directory from your Eden install then run in portable mode that way the Frodo install will have it's own Userdata and won't have any effect on Eden, this way you can keep Eden while testing out Frodo.
too late i already reinstalled frodo over eden
but thanks for that info ive always wondered what another partition meant
i second jjd-uk... on my windows machine (main workstation/xbmc test/setup box) i only use portable mode. this keeps all the user files inside each version, so if i have issues with a new nightly build, i can go up a directory and load the last good build. the one issue is duplicates of thumbs, but space isnt an issue, yet. and i usually only have 3-5 current installs of xbmc with full data on that box.. my other media centers only use a 'final' version after it gets setup on my main box.

this has saved me countless hours in situations like yours nightengale.
Well again sorry for the late reply, Frodo aint so bad now that i reinstalled it and let it sit on the system and orient itself, and it doesent buffer so much
but most of the time the front of the light blue line and the grey line (@ bottom of video) can get really close to each other, which means that it is getting ready to buffer
whereas with Eden the tip of the light blue line hardly moved if at all, and the grey line was at full length, which is excellent rendering
I have two small non sophisticated computer external speakers (Logitech) as always, i have set in XBMC Audio Stream - stereo and Audio Output- Analog
Should i be worried that the tip of light blue line is very very close to the end of the grey line? it gets like that most of the time and stays like that without buffering
which i suppose is good,, But when it gets like that im scared that it is about to buffer. Shouldnt the tip of the light blue line be far away from the end of the grey?
Thanks for your inpit jjd-uk and u too Cabong

My connection speed is 2megs tell me what u guys think about all of the above
I'm not clear on where you see this behaviour and on what type of content?

I had assumed is was content perhaps being played over a in house lan from perhaps a server or nas to your pc, but your mention of internet connection makes me wonder if you're on about internet stream from sites such as YoutubeHuh can you clarify?

Are you able to post a screenshot?
Yeah jjd-uk, my setup is a regular house lan (wired) I mostly watch news on xbmc and some movies sometimes
Cant post screenshot atm but as i said in my last post Frodo is currently tolerable now

Everything i spoke of on this topic has to do with XBMC Rendering
I have no clue what you mean with "blue line and grey line"
You want to see buffers: press 'o' while playing video and check for dropped frames.

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