2014-03-06, 16:23
Yup, the rollback worked. Very nice. Sadly, Steam's streaming doesn't seem to work so well from Big Picture, but I'm glad I'm vaguely ready for it when it does.
French translation thanks to Kre|S.
OSX checks for XBMC + Steam paths.
A advanced option to use a Batch file to launch scripts - uses a batch file as in previous version which should hopefully workaround the 'nothing happening' issue some people have been having. GUI settings for XBMC + Steam paths and whether to quit XBMC have no effect with this setting enabled, the options are configured via steam-launch.bat, located in userdata/addon_data/script.steam.launcher/scripts/ , with instructions located in file itself. steam-launch.bat is not deleted by the addon or updates and if it does not exist it will be copied to the userdata directory on first run with the option enabled, along with launchhidden-bat.vbs
Deleting scripts via addon settings now deletes scripts from other O/S's if they exist.
Addon now logs to xbmc.log.
A few fixes + changes.
Linux script uses a temp lockfile to prevent multiple instances of XBMC reopening.
(2014-02-17, 07:31)teeedubb Wrote:(2014-02-15, 11:28)wolfodeiwolfy Wrote: Hi, I've just updated from 0.5.2 to 0.9.8 and it doesn't work. Steam bpm doesn't launch (add-on settings are correct).Do you get any errors in xbmc or autohotkey? Youre using windows right? Which exact version and edition, eg x64/x86, home premium/ultimate etc? Anything else that could affect the addon (as it uses external scripts)?Someone else reported the same problem but I'm unable to reproduce it on 2x win7 + 1x win8 x64 home premium installs. If I cant work out the problem is, when I have some time I'll look at adding a option to use a batch file as was the case in v0.5.2.
The only version that works is 0.5.2 so I reinstall it.
DISPLAY=:0 steam -bigpicture
(2014-03-12, 07:07)teeedubb Wrote: From a quick look at the minimal guide you need to omit one step, the /etc/xinit/xbmc.conf step, so disable the upstart script. I've updated my post you linked to with clearer instructions + wiki links. I think the script not working is from copy/pasting whole code blocks from that post, delete the user scripts via the addon settings and try with the updated instructions. If xbmc isnt killed with the new script please post a debug log (wiki).
./.irxevent.sh: 6: ./.irxevent.sh: [[: not found
./.irxevent.sh: 14: ./.irxevent.sh: [[: not found
irxevent running, xbmc not running.
steam -bigpicture #-tenfoot -steamos -enableremotecontrol
export HOMETEST_USER=xbmc
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmodeswitch_inhibitor.so #:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libmodeswitch_inhibitor.so
# Disable DPMS and screen blanking for now; it doesn't know about controller
# or Steam remote control events right now
xset -dpms
xset s off
steamcompmgr &
unclutter &
pulseaudio --start
loadargb_cursor /usr/share/icons/steam/arrow.png
steam -bigpicture -enableremotecontrol >> /tmp/steam.log
pulseaudio -k
(2014-03-12, 07:07)teeedubb Wrote: From a quick look at the minimal guide you need to omit one step, the /etc/xinit/xbmc.conf step, so disable the upstart script. I've updated my post you linked to with clearer instructions + wiki links. I think the script not working is from copy/pasting whole code blocks from that post, delete the user scripts via the addon settings and try with the updated instructions. If xbmc isnt killed with the new script please post a debug log (wiki).
Quote: Linux only: Make steam-launch.sh executable on next run - This changes the executable bit on the file 'steam-launch.sh' which is necessary for this addon to run, Linux users need to do this on the first run and after deleting the profile://addon_data scripts. This setting defaults to off after being run once.