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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi
So kernel updates still do disable the steamos-xpad driver. Also using the stock xpad driver the controller is usable in xbmc immediately after turining it on (although it goes nuts until I press a button), unlike with the steamos driver. Not sure why and Ill wait till the driver is mainlined before digging deeper. Unfortunately it looks like the driver isnt in 3.15rc6 Sad For now I have a hackish workaround - a udev rule to disable/enable xbmcs joystick support via a udev rule and jsonrpc (when a js* device is connected that uses the xpad driver) which gets the controller with steamos-xpad wrking without restaring xbmc. Enablng/disabling gamepad support seems to stop having an effect after a few connect/disconnects but that shouldnt really pose a problem if youre quitting xbmc when running steam. You need to enable jsonrpc in xbmc + modify the ip address, port and script location to suit.

ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="js*", DRIVERS=="xpad", RUN+="/usr/bin/.scripts/"
curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Settings.SetSettingValue", "params":{"setting":"input.enablejoystick","value":false},"id":1}' http://localhost:9191/jsonrpc
sleep 1
curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Settings.SetSettingValue", "params":{"setting":"input.enablejoystick","value":true},"id":1}' http://localhost:9191/jsonrpc

Make executable with the chmod +x command.
Installed this and gave it a try but am getting some issues (Win7-Pro-SP1).

Have setup my folders in the addon as follows:

XBMC: E:\XBMC Media Center\XBMC.exe
Steam: D:\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe

Running the script without any modifications except the paths above, does nothing except display the timeout on the screen for 5 seconds. XBMC does not quit as per default behaviour, and steam is not launched.

Using "Batch File Mode" does exactly the same.

Checking the xbmc.log showed me that the add-on still copies the script to %Appdata% even though I'm running portable, shouldn't you be specifying the "Home" folder as a XBMC variable for the current user's profile rather than assuming everyone is running stock? I created a symlink to get around that issue but was then greeted by the following error from the script:

Error: Failed attempt to launch program or document:
Action: <C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe>
Params: <-bigpicture>

Specifically: The system cannot find the file specified.

Line# ---> 018: Run,%1% -bigpicture

The current thread will exit.

If the above is a pre-compiled exe, what's the point in specifying the paths in the add-on? If not, why is is looking for steam in Program Files when I've already told it the (differing) location? I have XBMC start automatically on boot using XBMCLauncher, which is also based off AHK I believe, so setting any kind of admin priviledges on XBMC is not possible without having to acknowledge them manually (UAC), which kinda breaks the immersion factor.
The only time %appdata% is used or paths are hardcoded is with batch file mode, and that option was only added to try and track down this issue. Normally the addon uses xbmc's special:// paths, so I think running in portable mode shouldnt matter, but interesting nonetheless. Can you post your log file of it happening in stock mode?
Sent you a PM.

Cheers. Your log file confirms what I was seeing last night - part of the command isn't being quoted. I have a new version which fixes that, should be ready tonight, didn't have enough time to test it out yesterday.
Can't wait to get this working. Just built myself a new Media Center PC, so in order to big-it-up over my Xbox360 owning best mate (I loathe consoles), XBMC + Steam Integration is just the ticket. Sorry if I sounded off with my first post, was having a bad day.


I assume this will be an automatic update next time I launch XBMC, since I'm using the git/repo version?
New version in repo, v1.0.0 - Dark Souls 2 edition:
Quote:Fixed the 'nothing happening' issue on windows that some people were having.
Removed 'Use a batch file to launch script' as it is no longer necessary.
Updated script files with more info and markers for where to add external scripts to start before steam or xbmc.
Notification on script failure.
Few small changes.

@gibxxi a mid-range pc would probably trounce xbone/ps4's too. Throw in xbmc, any controller you want, boblight, old games + emulators, etc and there is no comparison Smile
hello, is this working when XBMC is running without Gnome (ubuntu).
Yes, I have tested it with openbox and KDE. If you mean xbmc is running in its own session then no, steam bpm needs a window manager running to work.
(2014-06-04, 09:09)teeedubb Wrote: New version in repo, v1.0.0 - Dark Souls 2 edition:
Quote:Fixed the 'nothing happening' issue on windows that some people were having.
Removed 'Use a batch file to launch script' as it is no longer necessary.
Updated script files with more info and markers for where to add external scripts to start before steam or xbmc.
Notification on script failure.
Few small changes.

@gibxxi a mid-range pc would probably trounce xbone/ps4's too. Throw in xbmc, any controller you want, boblight, old games + emulators, etc and there is no comparison Smile

Yep, I have never been much good with game-controllers (one of my main reasons for disliking consoles in general), but I must say for certain types of living room gaming, the proposed Steam Controller looks worth a punt, as long as it's not ridiculously expensive for what it is. Noticed it's been delayed a release date till early next year. Hope it arrives before HL3 though!


I'll test out version 1.0.0 later and post feedback here when I get a chance.
Worked perfectly before the last update, since then i do only get the loading icon, which disappears after few seconds and nothing happens. Tried all possible configurations without any success, Steam does not launch at all. Will you release another update soon or do you recommend to install the older version again?

Thanks for the great addon!

Frodo 12.3, Windows 7 Professional
Sigh... I was hoping this one would be bug free Sad Can you post a xbmc.log file of this happening? There will be a update when I work out what the problem is, but for now you can downgrade via xbmc's gui.
Guys try this version, windows version uses 'call' to launch steam, which from the commenting in rom collection browser, should help with quoting commands

I have an XBMCbuntu config and the launcher does not work Sad.
When I start steam with the launcher I just get a black screen and the stuttering sound of the steam big picture intro.

When I start steam manually in an openbox session with 'DISPLAY=:0 steam -bigpicture' it works without any issue.

Any idea what I have wrongly configured? It looks like the launcher does not start a openbox session?
I started the 1.0.0 version earlier on my HTPC and it started fine. As it was the first startup of the day, Steam did the usual "Checking for Updates" routine before launching the UI, but it did start properly. XBMC Seems to have closed, and it restarted fairly quickly upon exiting Steam as well.

You do have a typo in your "Updated Scripts" dialog box though, two words repeated in the the dialog. That's the only issue I could see. This is on W7-Pro SP1. Will try the same on my desktop at some point as I have a copy of XBMC installed there for testing purposes.
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[RELEASE] Steam Launcher - Start Steam Big Picture Mode from within Kodi7