Req Missing Musicbrainz features
The universal scraper for albums uses Musicbrainz(MB). The scraper picks randomly a particular release from a set of releases, which doesn't often match up with the release i have tagged from MB itself. The list of releases doesn't appear even on manual search. The author of the scraper, Olympia, says it is a core function missing. So, I request this small feature to be added.

bandelguy Wrote: @ Olympia:-

Can there be any options to pick up the release of my choice from various releases of a release group on manual refresh / from settings?

MB Picard has the option of selecting the countries of choice for tagging. Whether it can be used here too?

(2013-03-03 13:18)olympia Wrote: That would be a request to XBMC, not to the addon. The addon already featured with this, but XBMC is selecting automatically the first hit (even during manual refresh). So whatever country/release come first, it will be picked up by XBMC. I would love to see this as well btw.

Is there any possibility of having this feature incuded in the next release of XBMC or even in the nightlies?

Olympia wrote:- I don't know, I am not a core developer. Best would be to ask in the feature requests forum.
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Is this implemented in Gotham?
Just FYI, I also filed a couple of new feature requests, one to use the locale's alias to display the artist using the current language: The second is to support MusicBrainz's "sort names":

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