[WIP] SmartDNS Updater
Hi all,

I've just written my first addon for XBMC to automatically update SmartDNS with your current IP address. This is useful for expats and others who use Overplay's SmartDNS service to bypass geoblocking to watch TV because Overplay require you to log on to their website to confirm your IP address each time it changes. The script runs at start time and also on demand from the PROGRAMS menu, however, I have a strange problem with the icon. Firstly, when I install my addon I get the message below in the XBMC log and the icon doesn't appear on the "addon ..installed" notification. I've tried changing the icon to one that does work (from the XBMC Log Updater script, which I based my script on) and I still get the same error. I also get some icons showing the old version (like on the home screen shortcut) and some the new one (such as the notification icon). Also, if I add a shortcut to my script on the home screen it does nothing and no log message is generated.

I'd be grateful for any ideas as to what I've done wrong. The addon can be found here and I'm running Frodo (both 12.0 and 12.1 versions).



PS. Of course any other constructive critique of my code (what there is of it) is also welcome!

Error log snippet:
21:40:55 T:10896   ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\script.smartdns_0.1.4.zip\icon.png
Hi Fathert

I'm wondering if you're still active as I'd love to discuss Kodi & SmartDNS with you.


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[WIP] SmartDNS Updater0