Can you add Unity back to XBMCBuntu
Can you (without too much hassle) install the Unity UI without losing the 'Set top box' feeling for XBMCBuntu - splash screen, auto-login etc.

Or even, how easily can you install regular Ubuntu+XBMC and recreate that same set-top box effect?

I'm still pretty new to Linux/Ubuntu, and would value the comfort of have Unity to hand when I need to do a bit of tweaking!

Why would you want unity on a stb? The whole idea of xbmcbuntu is no desktop or window manager.
Hi, as I stated in my post, the relative familiarity of unity would put me at ease a little more when I'm trying to maintain / setup the system, that's all
You can get to the XBMCbuntu desktop by switching your session on the log-in page. This will give you a desktop environment/window manager so you can use the GUI to perform system maintenance, add applications, etc. No need to install Unity unless you really love it for some reason that escapes me (personal bias).

Here's how to do it: Click the XBMC Shutdown button (lower-left corner); select Exit; on the log-in page, enter your username, password and on the third input field, click the arrow to open the drop-down menu and select "XBMCbuntu". Click Log-in and you'll be taken to the desktop. To return to the XBMC session, click the Shutdown button (lower-right corner); select Log-out; enter username/password but, this time, select "XBMC" as session type.
Thank you for taking the time to reply.
I'm familiar with getting to the desktop - I just get a little lost once I get there!
Not to worry, I'm sure I'll get the knack of it!
if you really must, here is how to add unity to xbmcbuntu:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

if something breaks, please don't complain Wink
Running a compositing manager under a media player system that uses OpenGL and vSync and buffer management and other stuff is a bad idea, make sure you enable "Undirected Fullscreen" mode.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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Can you add Unity back to XBMCBuntu0