xbmc newbie question
Im completely new to XBMC so am looking for some help.
Just purchased a g midnight box running on android and all working well so far.
Is there a way for me to set up pvr facilities so I can record live tv?
Please keep it simple as I'm not tech savvy.
To be honest, PVR in XBMC isn't what I would call a simple feature/task. First, where are you in the world, and what is your source of TV? (Over the air, cable, sat, etc)
Welcome to the XBMC forums.

Read here first to ensure you understand what PVR support in XBMC actually provides and what its setup entails from a hardware and software standpoint: PVR (wiki)
Ok...will do a bit of reading. I'm in UK and really just want to record Sky Sports from the live tv options in navi x. Perhaps it's not possible. Thanks
Think of PVR as a TiVo or VCR. It's a hardware/software solution used to record TV programs off the air or your cable/satellite service. Nothing to do with streaming content.

(Just as an FYI, we don't support Navi-X or other piracy add-ons here)

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