TVShow->Series->Episode script?
XBMC 12.2

I'd like to build a script that will return the values from the database, or continue from where json-rpc lacks
First command returns TvShow and bring up tv shows on screen
Second command selects TvShow from database (ie: single input, not scrolling)
Third command same for seasons (select season number from single input) from second command
Last command plays Episode number.

i'm trying to avoid GUI.ActivateWindow cause that would require scroll or onscreen input.

eg: using json / python
1. Tv Shows - displays tv shows
2. 'SouthPark' - selects 'south park' displays season view of tv seasons
3. 'Season 2' - selects 'season 2' - displays episodes
4. 'Episode 5' - plays episode 5

I'll play about and see if i can come up with some examples to make it a bit clearer.

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TVShow->Series->Episode script?0