"VidOn.Me" XBMC build with Allwinner A10 HW-acceleration
I have got VidOn_XBMC-v1009.apk working on my cubietruck.

It crashes because it has not enough permissions:
E/SurfaceFlinger( 1328): Permission Denial: can't access SurfaceFlinger pid=19430, uid=10059

I have removed the permission check in frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.cpp

Now it runs with hardware acceleration, but the video playback is much too fast and I am getting
W/hwcomposer( 1350): Thread sync error:src[0,0,1536,1080],hwlayer.sourceCrop[0,0,1920,1080];
in the logs.
So there is still something wrong...

Here is a download link to the recompiled libsurfaceflinger.so.

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RE: "VidOn.Me" XBMC build with Allwinner A10 HW-acceleration - by DerArtem - 2014-03-16, 22:41
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"VidOn.Me" XBMC build with Allwinner A10 HW-acceleration4