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Bugs and Suggestions
Can the watched/unwatched button/tag be reversed? Makes much more sense to mark the watched items than the unwatched ones.
I make set posters! (I also take requests)
(2013-08-07, 05:15)user101 Wrote: Hi I love this theme! It's so refreshing to have a simple, non-cluttered interface. Thank you!

Would it be possible to add a new view similar to this?

I like the elegant views you've created but when it comes to browsing a movie library with hundreds of items it in, I've found a simple 2x5 or 3x5 grid with the plot on the right side to be the fastest view. The Thumbnail view is close but because it pulls from the high-resolution fanart I've found the load times to be a challenge. Much appreciated!

Just saw that this has been included in 1.5.1. Thanks! It looks great!
(2013-05-24, 19:26)syntobu Wrote: Feature request: Cinema Experience support.

I also want to say that I love the look and feel of this skin. You did an awesome job.

My Theater: JVC X790R + Peerless PRG-UNV | 120" CineWhite UHD-B Screen | KODI Omega + PreShow Experience | mpv | madVR RTX 2070S | Panasonic UB420 | Denon X3600H @ 5.2.4 | 4 x ADX Maximus w/ Dayton Audio SA230 | 3 x Totem Tribe LCR + Mission M30 Surrounds + SVS PC2000 + Monolith 15 | 40" HDTV w/ MeLE N5105 + MoviePosterApp | 40TB Win10 SMB Server over Gigabit Ethernet
(2013-09-10, 09:36)dhead Wrote: Hi nessus.

I'm reevaluting my suggestion.
Currently I'm testing my custom fonts, OpenSans merged with OpenSansHebrew (and also with Roboto), I'm quite happy with the result and probably will send a PR after some users feedback.
Ok. Thanks.

(2013-09-10, 20:51)Dragen Wrote: Can the watched/unwatched button/tag be reversed? Makes much more sense to mark the watched items than the unwatched ones.
No. That will confuse all current users of Bello and IMO, to mark the watched items that makes no sense. Obviously you are coming from a skin that shows the watched/unwatched items like that. Give it a week of use and you will see that is better this way Wink

(2013-09-15, 05:54)MidnightWatcher Wrote:
(2013-05-24, 19:26)syntobu Wrote: Feature request: Cinema Experience support.

I also want to say that I love the look and feel of this skin. You did an awesome job.


As some of you already know Bello has selected as the default skin for the "The Little Black Box" media player. So, since TLBB is on the market for more than month now and the development of the TLBB UI takes almost all of my time, i will not have much time for Bello. This not means that i am dumping Bello. I will continue to fix bugs and keep it functional for future versions of XBMC but i will not be able to add new futures or users requests. Of course if anyone has a new future coded, make a PR and i will be happy to add it as long as it fits to the overall look and design of Bello.

Last but not least, i want say a huge thanks to everyone who help and participate in any way in this skin and of course the Team XBMC for the best Media Center software ever.

Thanks to all
(2013-09-09, 23:20)nessus Wrote:
(2013-09-07, 11:58)mybrain87 Wrote: Getting better with every release. That Animation is killer ;-)

Liking the new Landscapes options.

1. Can we get those for Movies too?

2. Can you move the TV Show Info + Black Bar off the Landscape?
It gets in the way with almost all TV Show Thumbs


Also maybe reduce the size of the gallery view. The TV Thumbs are only 500x281. At the currently stretched size within the skin they look low quality.

1. No problem. Will do it in the next update.
2. I thought the landscape's have HD versions like clear logos. I have no idea how these extra artworks are since i never use them. I've just add them as option after several requests. Making the thumb, only 500x281 just for sake of the landscape, it's a no go for me. I prefer to remove the landscape option completely. Let me know what you guys prefer.


For Movies they do them in 1000x562. Just for TvShows they currently do 500x281.

Please don't delete the option. For Movies with the bigger thumbs this would look great. For TvShows - maybe they change them some day or I'll do my own bigger versions.

But please move the black bar + tv show info off the landscape.
Bello is a nice skin I'm currently using.
To speed up the skin, especially on the Raspberry Pi, the textures should be packed in Textures.xbt. Then, no more lazy dialog backgrounds...
Hi mate,
i state that i don't know the right behaviour of extraart features so: could you explain me if in "wallfanart view" is correct that logos are not downloaded in automatic way.
when i add a new movie found the poster (as you said fallback if logo is not present) even if logo is available for download then i have to add the logo using extraart menù.
so will be possible auto download the logos?

I was just wondering if a simple kiosk mode could be inplemented,
so that the viewtypes etc are locked and could not be accidentially changed
ATM that is available only for TV Shows (Skin Settings>Add-ons). I'll try to find some time to add it and for Movies too.

The same goes for the kiosk mode.

Hi this is a great skin. I use it on all my boxes. I have a problem though and need some help.
I can't change the network settings in the skin, and have to go back to confluence. The problem I have with this is when I do this after taking this box to another house, the GUI setting reverts back to default (16kb). This looses all my custom buttons on the front screen. I am using a android mx with Linux version on. I have noticed that tlbb has network on the top. Is this a way around this problem.
hey beautiful skin i am using for a week now but the problem is i can't see arabic caracters with the skin I am asking how can I change the font in the skin setting (i change it in arial in confluence to see arabic letters but i see only default font skin in bello setting ) please help
never mind...
My HTPC A8-5400k APU, Asrock FM2A75-PRO4-M, 4GB Kingston HyperX, Samsung 830 64GB SSD, 4TB HDD Storage, Hauppage HVR-2200 Tuner, Silverstone LC-16M Case.
As everyone else has said, beautiful skin! Is there any chance of you implementing support for WMCbackend series recording please??
My HTPC A8-5400k APU, Asrock FM2A75-PRO4-M, 4GB Kingston HyperX, Samsung 830 64GB SSD, 4TB HDD Storage, Hauppage HVR-2200 Tuner, Silverstone LC-16M Case.
Great skin. I love the homescreen and the thing behind it moving. Big Grin

There is one thing i hope you can improve. CPU load on the homescreen is very high. between the 80/98%.
If i compare this with Amber for example it's a stable 33%.

Both skins have not much go around on the homescreen so i hope you can figure out what is causing this.
I have disabled the homescreen animation. But it is less then 10% difference.
Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro, Nvidia Shield 2015
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