This is a short FAQ of the skin. It will updated frequently and depending on users questions. If you think something should be added please let know.

Q: Where is my mouse pointer ?
A: Mouse usage is not supported in Bello. Please disable it from Settings > System > Input Devices > Enable mouse and touch screen support.

Q: What's the difference between Kodi official repo version and GitHub version ?
A: Official repo always has the latest stable release for the current XBMC version. GitHub will have all the latest updates which they are not yet pushed to the official repo. The update cycle of the official repo it will be approximately every month.

Q: How can i install this skin ?
A: You can install the skin automatically or manual. Automatic install can be done through XBMC Add-ons system. Go to Add-ons > Get Add-ons > Kodi Add-on repository > Skin > Bello > Install. Any script dependencies that the skin requires will automatically be downloaded and installed (if they are not already installed in your system). You can do an automatic install also from GitHub. Download the skin, go to Add-ons > Install from zip file and select the downloaded skin zip file. If for any reason you wanna do a completely manual install follow the steps bellow :
  • Uninstall any prior installed versions of the skin and delete any leftover folders and files from your addons folder.
  • Create a folder named "skin.bello" in your addons folder
  • Download the skin from GitHub and extract the contains (keep skin's folder structure) to the above created folder "skin.bello".
  • Make sure that you have installed all the dependent scripts. Most of them are available on XBMC mirrors except these:

Q: How do i install a new theme ?
A: Just place the theme .xbt file in skin's media/ folder. Click here to find out how to create your own theme.

Q: Why there no sounds in the skin ?
A: Never like them and never use them. Sorry. If you want to add your sounds check the sounds.xml in skin's sounds/ folder for how you can add them.

Q: Can i edit the Home Menu and Submenus to my preferences ?
A: Yes. Since v3.0.0 Bello uses Skin Shortcuts script for building Home Menu and Submenus. You can full customize them through Skin Settings > Home Window > Customize Home Menu. Furthermore, more advanced users they can edit skin's default shortcuts .DATA files to their needs and keep them as backup for future use.

Q: I have a problem! What should I do ?
A: You can follow some general debugging steps to locate the problem:
  • First of all Mouse usage is not supported. Please disable it from Settings > System > Input Devices.
  • Remove from your userdata directory guisettings.xml (backup first if you need all your settings), ViewModesxx.db and Texturesxx.db
  • Start Kodi and check if the problem is fixed. If not, proceed with the next steps.
  • Uninstall all your addons one by one, restart Kodi every time you do a uninstall and check if the problem is fixed.
  • Do a clean installation of Kodi and a manual installation of Bello by following these steps:
    • Uninstall XBMC and remove all related stuff (backup your userdata folder first).
    • Remove any folder with the word "bello" on it from your addons folder and packages folder.
    • Download and Install Kodi v14.2. Bello 3.x.x was developed and tested with Kodi v14.x, although it may work fine with the latest nightlies.
    • Download the latest version of Bello from GitHub.
    • Create a folder in your addons folder with the name "skin.bello" and extract the contains of the downloaded zip file inside (keep folders structure).
  • Start Kodi only with Bello in the beginning and continue by installing first the required addons for Bello (See QA "How can i install this skin ?" and then the rest of your addons, ONE BY ONE and check every time when and if the problem occurs again.

Q: I've found a bug! What should I do ?

"If you want to change the name of any custom button, hit the "Backspace" key while you are focused in the button you want to change."

I tried the "Backspace" over and over. I want to rename "Video Add-ons" to "Video". I added it to favorites then added it to Custom Button 1, but backspace does not work. It just take me back to previous mention. I'm using a QWERTY keyboard.

Is that a way to maybe just rename the "Add-ons" home menu option?

I've been searching for 4 hours to change this and finally signed up to post.
Just tried, it works for me. Added a favourite (from context menù), set as "custom button 1" in skin settings
From home i positioned on the new voice hit backspace ad renamed the items.
Bello 1.5.5
Hat tip and bow to those who sweat and bleed to create this awesome skin. Cheers.

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