DLNA / UPnP Over 3G?
Hello. I just installed XBMC on my iPhone under the assumption i can add a remote source, i.e., not a server on a local network. Is this possible?

I have a FreeNas server at home with MiniDLNA running on it.
I've forwarded ports so that access from outside of the local network is enabled. I have also tested this with other (SLOW!) AppStore apps and it's all working server/router side.

So how can i access this service from outside my network using XBMC?

I've tried manually adding a "network location", but either i did something wrong or XBMC doesn't support what i'm trying to do. The address is *Http://ExternalIP:Port/rootDesc.xml*

Can anyone help with this, or even just point me in the right direction?


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DLNA / UPnP Over 3G?0