Option to search for movie trailer using YouTube

I think that the option to search for a movie using the movie title is a really great feature.
This saves the time of pre-fetching the trailer, or if the scrapper didn't find one (or if the scrapper you're using don't bring trailers like in my case) you will still have the option to view the trailer.

This exist in some skins and and it worked great.

For looking around, it doesn't look like a lot of work... saw that you can add something like that:

<control type="button" id="2018">
                <visible>Container.Content(movies) + IsEmpty(ListItem.Trailer) + Skin.HasSetting(trailerincontextmenu)</visible>
                <onclick>ActivateWindow(videos,plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?path=/root/search&amp;feed=search&amp;search=$INFO[ListItem.Label] Trailer,return)</onclick>

So my question:

1. Is this already built in to Ace and i just missed it?
2. If not, then is it possible to add it to Ace by myself with the above code? where should that go?

Lastly to the developer, many thanks for your hard work, really love your skin, and please consider adding this option.


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Option to search for movie trailer using YouTube0