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Release Keymap Editor (configure remote in GUI)
For configuring buttons in GUI by selecting action and pressing them.



Current limitations:
-No way to assign different keys to different inputs. (No sure if worth the trouble implementing)
-No detecting if a key is used multiple times. What will most likely happen is that one of actions will be executed.
-Depending on what was previously assigned, xbmc might execute the old action i background when pressing the new key to assign.

If you find any actions missing, let me know in this thread!

Install from official add-on repository.
Looks very awesome. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it to work :(

I get a script error whenever I try to open it.

XBMC v12.2
Mac OS X10.8.4

Log file with a fresh install of XBMC and only the Keymap Editor add-on installed (outside of defaults, that is):
Ouch. Not working with python26 apparently. Oh you OS X and your old versions! I'll find a replacement for that class and update. Thanks for reporting
Shouldn't that not matter for XBMC? XBMC for Mac OS X doesn't use external Python. Frodo's internal Python is what is limited to 2.6.
Got same problem with script error but i am on Win7 and latest official XBMC
(2013-09-08, 05:36)Ned Scott Wrote: Shouldn't that not matter for XBMC? XBMC for Mac OS X doesn't use external Python. Frodo's internal Python is what is limited to 2.6.
Not sure what you mean.. On both my linux computer and my openelec box xbmc has always been using python 2.7 so I never noticed, or even though about others having 2.6.
not all OS versions use the same.
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Yeah, I get that now
Oh you linux-based OSes and your external system-wide libraries :)

Funny thing is that I actually have Python 2.7 installed, but XBMC for Mac OS X can't (?) be compiled to use external libraries.

In the meantime, I'll check it out on my linux HTPCs. Still very awesome to finally have a GUI for keymapping!
I hope you get this working, a 'GUI click to map' keymap editor is long overdue. Will this advance to the next item after mapping a key?(so there is no 'down' button overwrites).
With the update I can confirm that it works very well. I can also confirm that the issue is Python compatibility with XBMC's internal 2.6, since I've already updated to Python 2.7 on my copy of OS X ;)

Excellent add-on!
I can also confirm it is working great(W7). I did have a problem when mapping the wrong function and trying to clear it.(kept getting a script error) I had a copy of my keyboard.XML file so I was able to go back, any way to add a backup/restore? I was wondering how many options would be available to map keys, and when I got into the menus I was a little overwhelmed(looks like a lot of keys are redundant/unused though)
I used it in debian and works very good

I tried it and it's really cool, should be there in the settings by default. Ned, is this something that could be pushed?

One feature that I couldn't find "System.LogOff", I used to map this to one button to switch between my two libraries. Now I've mapped to XBMC restart, but it's not quite the same and takes a bit more time. There could be an option to manually add something.


It tried this this morning on a Pivos Linux and set the 'OK' to pause/play. After I did this the 'OK' wouldn't work to access anything even on the home screen. How do I restore the button? Can I delete the keymap folder in userdata and restart the box?
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Keymap Editor (configure remote in GUI)7