Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Release nbox 1.0
Hi everyone,

I've been away lately and haven't had any time to address the few bugs that have been noted in the official release. I will eventually get around to these, but it may take a while with other priorities of mine.

I'm making this new thread as there seems to be a lot of confusion over the features that were in the beta and incomplete items that have long since been addressed. If you have submitted a bug previously, please ensure that it is still a problem in the current official release of the skin and I will address it.

Yes, there have been many people calling for more views. Almost no one is saying what views they want, so I have ignored all of these requests to date as I can't personally see a need for more views or why that benefits the skin as a whole. Provide reasons why a certain view should be included and how it fits properly with the design currently. I am willing to listen to thoughtful requests for new views. If you can provide a rough mock-up for how you expect it would look that is also extremely helpful.

As always, I make no guarantees for including new features in the skin as I'm pretty happy with it as it is. But things can be improved and there will be a next major release hopefully around the time XBMC Gotham is released.

As a matter of fact, I gave you my reason a while ago.
Not sure if this has been mentioned previously: when browsing a DLNA music share (minidlna server) I can see the folders/albums but none of the tracks inside - the screen is just empty. Changing the skin solves the 'problem'. (I have only tested this with music)

On an unrelated note, I would love to be able to configure the 'browse by folder' mode as the default view for music and videos, as I don't really use the library mode.

Otherwise excellent skin - you have good taste dear sir!
Mate. LOVE nBox. It's exactly what I want.

Looking forward to the next update Big Grin
Very nice skin. Using it with my Raspberry PI Smile

I do have a few feature request:
- Configurable menu (e.g. I don't have any TV shows, but use it to show Pictures)
- Possibility to have Add-on directly accessible on the home screen or in widget place (e.g. Youtube and Vimeo add-on)
- Disable animations on "Latest"/"Random" summeries. (Killing performance on RPI)
- PVR - probably need improvements

This is really one of the greatest skins I have seen for XBMC in a long while. Thank you.
Great skin! I love how new and "fresh" it feels Smile My wife likes it as well. Question: Can you add more media flag icons? I noticed that HD audio tracks are not displaying flags (DTS-HD, TrueHD, etc.). But with other skins they are visible. Thanks again for creating something sleek and unique!
I agree wholeheartedly. I changed to this skin and haven't looked back. I love it and how "fresh" and simple it is. I'm actually trying to get some of my add-ons to look more integrated with this skin because I like it so much. (I use SteamBMC with it and the add-on doesn't look as good as it could in the straight "list" viewtype (50).)

I'm looking very forward to seeing future development of this great skin. Well done, thank you for your hard work.
One small feature request, it would be great to have gaps or some kind of divider in between entries in the EPG horizontal view, would just make it a little easier to read. Other than that, still humming along beautifully, been using it ever since PVR was implemented. Just thought I'd mention the two outstanding issues I was experiencing from the previous thread since it's now closed:

- Plot descriptions that contain paragraphs in them show up like this:



- While watching PVR, press "c", then "up" or "down". It takes 2 keypresses to actually scroll through the list the first time. It then works fine till you close the menu and bring it up again

Love this theme, few problems though i use to have TV Shows show me Banners and poster and the show info and now it seems to have switched to just a list of tv shows and is bland and i have no clue what happen or how to get it back.
thanks for sharing this awesome piece of art - it's been my one and only favorite skin for a long time now. Just one question (it's been asked before, but I couldn't find an answer): is there a way to disable the title overlays and animations on the start screen? Maybe via one of the xml-files? I'd prefer to just see the poster squares to make it even more minimalistic
Beautiful skin, fast for my Raspberry Pi but can i change the horrible green color in loading dialog, left menu...

Edit: ok, i can change the theme, but the colorboxes looks not good, a black box looks better!
I wish a better multilanguage support, my language is "german" and many text overlapped or to long!
Just putting this here to help others find it,

I've recently started playing with nbox ( Great job BTW Nod ) and had this issue, from the Beta thread. Basically, the skin would become unresponsive if I tried to enter the EPG (or even highlighted the menu entry in the slide out side panel), although any media playing at the time would continue to do so.

A workaround / fix was discovered by chrisr and mentioned here in the TVHeadend thread.

(2013-10-22, 08:04)chrisr Wrote: All I had to do was slightly reduce the width (from 1204 to 1190) of the epggrid control in skin.nbox/720p/Viewtype_PVR.xml:

<control type="epggrid" id="10">
    <description>EPG Grid</description>

I don't know why this works - I haven't had a chance to look too closely at the xbmc source - but it's an easy workaround for now.

This worked for me, on XBMCbuntu with TVheadend, and whilst I don't know how the EPG is supposed to look, it looks fine slightly shorter Wink

Kodi Krypton 17.6 | Linux | FTV w/LiveTV 'Fred edition' | Maraschino Git | Kore v 2 | Chorus2
On a long enough timeline. The survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Hi Community,

I really like this skin, thanks NIAMU for the hard work, the concept for a uniform interface and the slding in an out panels is excelent.

I personally did not like some elements though ,so I started working on the skin ( this is my first time, so its taking some time). I also really like Aeon Nox, specially their font and their music visualization, so I have used the Aeon Nox Font through out the nbox Skin. I have also modified the Home Menu Layout for the Recent/Random/Recommened items.

I have added cdart in music visualization and artist extrafanart throught all music elements

Here is how it is looking!

watch gallery
This is an awesome skin, I appreciate the general simplicity in structure.
It's relatively easy to navigate, has a consistent visual style, and that's awesome.

Wondering, however... are there any settings for customization?
Nice to have: Menu around Live TV or In it. Entitled Streaming?
Where you can load Channels ala PLEX , and possibly support custom launcher to launch things like Netflix/Hulu from WMC.

Program Launcher will have it's own iconified menu and can be activated the same way,
where things like steam can be launched...

Obviously, enabling lyrics would be nice, etc.
Maybe in the end since you have cleaned this up, some one will take over and continue to add functionality to the skin.

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