OS X XBMC 12.2 stuck in splash screen [OSX 10.8.4]
Hi there!

I just installed XBMC 12.2, the first time worked perfect, did some configuration and after rebooting the problem started. Now is stuck in the splash screen with the XBMC logo. I can imagine that some of my configuration is causing the problem but cant find out what it is, I already tried deleting the ~/Library/Application Support/XBMC/ folder and XBMC booted again, but if I start adding configuration, it does the same thing.

Some details:

MB pro retina
2 external displays (1 HDMI 1 mini display port)
OS X 10.8.4

Debug Log: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=40656

Let me know if you need more info.

What configurations have u added? Id do 1 configuration at a time and shut down xbmc after each and restart to see when it messes up and it might help u to see what configuration adjusent is causing the issue?
thank you j2048b, I did that and discovered that the tvcatchup was creating the problem.


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XBMC 12.2 stuck in splash screen [OSX 10.8.4]0