A quick Fix
I'm having problems with XBMC showing a load of movies after I have deleted my source. I also cleaned my library as well through the settings menu. I know I can delete these movies one by one but there are to many Smile

It also seems that when I delete an item and then update the library that Item returns. I noticed this in my TV section which had one file showing even after the TV Library had been cleaned. I delete it and it just keeps coming back

Can I delete one of the following

MyVideos75 or MyVideos60 to remedy the problem

I have XBMC Frodo 12,2 installed along with Windows 7 64 bit

Hopefully it a quick thing to fix, if you need more info though please ask

if you want to start totally fresh you can (and need to) delete all myvideo*.db files
usually when removing a source it will also ask to remove the library items though
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MyVideos75 will reset the database. MyVideos60 is the old Eden copy left over from when you updated. So you could delete both if you want,

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A quick Fix0