I have one of the menu buttons to have my own multiple image background, but when i scroll down the main menu and scroll back up to the menu button, there's a
slight delay before my wallpaper is shown

somewhat irritating, any fix?
Reduce the size of your background images. I optimise my images to 1280px x 720px as they suit my screen size perfectly without reducing the quality. The same can be applied to textures in the skin etc to reduce the memory usage across the whole skin especially on the ATV2 etc.
(2013-08-06, 19:42)JustMeD Wrote: Reduce the size of your background images. I optimise my images to 1280px x 720px as they suit my screen size perfectly without reducing the quality. The same can be applied to textures in the skin etc to reduce the memory usage across the whole skin especially on the ATV2 etc.

i don't get a delay on transparency though, so why is it just ace?

plus im running it on an i3 laptop

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