N64 roms?
Hi devs,

Just installed this branch and it works great for my snes games - really stable, quick etc... I haven't done the RCB integration as yet, but will give that a go later.

Is it supposed to play N64 roms as yet? The videos I could find only show snes, nes and Sega and nothing happens when I click on a N64 rom.

Many thanks and keep up the good work, this is awesome so far.
n64 is difficult because the n64 core, mupen64plus, needs HW acceleration and direct access to an OpenGL context or texture I think (hopefully the latter). This is a considerable addition, as right now we simple hand a 2D RGB image to xbmc's renderer. It's theoretically possible, but it might be some time before this is implemented.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Fair enough, no problem, thanks for letting us know. It's looking great so far.

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