Audio dropouts every 1 -1.5 seconds on audio playback
I am experiencing audio playback issues with XBMC (13.0-ALPHA7 Git:20130814-2601dd9) running under Android on a HardKernel ODroid-U2. I tested on the stock Android image from HK and also on JB 4.1.2 Pocket Rocket - same issue.

the problem sounds like a dropout, not really a stutter, as if some data was missing from the stream for maybe 100msec or so. This dropout repeats every 1 to 1.5 seconds. Tested with FLAC and MP3, both stored on the local eMMC flash and loading from an SMB share - same issue.

Debug log file here:

...problem begins at 14:10:53 in this log, I believe the DEBUG: CSoftAEStream::GetFrame - Underrun is where the problem lies, but I have not found any info that would allow me to tshoot beyond this point.

There is no issue when using Frodo 12.2 on the same device, but I want to try out the hardware acceleration features.

Let me know if I can perform any additional troubleshooting.

Same for me here on CM10.1.2 on the U2, playing mp3s or when streaming music via Airplay.

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Audio dropouts every 1 -1.5 seconds on audio playback0