Zeroconf Can't Find NAS Hard Drive on ATV
I recently changed my network setup and now XBMC can't seem to see my network hard drive. Here's the setup:

AirPort Express in the main router. AirPort Extreme is set to extend the network and is located in the tv room. The hard drive is connected to the AirPort extreme which has a wired connection to my ATV.

When I try to add files in XBMC I do the Zeroconf Browser. It recognizes the AirPort Extreme and I have the option between AFP and SAMBA sharing but when I choose either of them it doesn't work. The AFP option doesn't go anywhere and the SAMBA option opens to a folder with nothing in it. On my macbook the AirPort Extreme shows up as a shared device and I can browse the hard drive no problem but XBMC can't seem to connect to it. Any ideas why this might be?

Update: I downloaded xbmc on my macbook and it also can't find the network hard drive, even though I can access it as a shared device in the finder..
I'm having same issue I don't even know how to do afp I have my hdd connected to my airport extreame and my atv2 is in my bedroom so I'm wireless
Same, sometimes it works but mostly doesn't, very strange
mee too (after the new last JB and reinstall)

WHAT did you change? That would be helpful to figure out WHY it worked before, and doesn't now.
been trying to figure this out for the last 6 hours! exact same issue, except i'm using an iPad air with xbmc, my external drive is connected to my airport extreme and can't find any files

my iMac and mac mini are fine tho…anyone figure anything out yet?

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Zeroconf Can't Find NAS Hard Drive on ATV0