Win external player mounting iso

I use XBMC 12.1. I have some 3d movies in iso format. I play these movies with TMT6.
I have an iso i can mount in windows and play with TMT.

If i try to mount these iso within XBMC with an external script XBMC tries to analyze the iso and after then it shows a menu which playlist i want to play. I can select every list i want and after that XBMC triggers the external player (script). For an unknown reason XBMC isn't able to read the iso. The wheel is spinning and XBMC hangs and i'm not able to trigger the script. The internal dvdplayer isn't able to play the file also.
In my playercorefactory i set the external player for all 3d movies.
But why tries XBMC to analyze the iso and shows a menu? If i set an external player for this kind of file XBMC should trigger the player without any interaction.

Any way to remove this issue? For now i'm not able to play some isos (not all) because of this weird behavior.
Will this be fixed in future release or is this a feature i don't need?

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