Smart TV and XBMC
I'm very new to XBMC and am seeking assistance with the following question. I recently purchased an LG smart TV which has a wireless card built-in, can I use it to connect to a PC hosting XBMC? If "yes", how can I do this. If "no", what do I need to do to achieve this?

You could use the UPnP function in xbmc but in the end that big-ass picture really breaks it down to best solution.

(ROFL on the size of that pic, good one Ned!! Rofl)
Ned... Try Image
I think the size is for effect Smile. Repped.
Now, that definitely is a "Monster Cable". Smile
(2013-09-13, 20:27)artrafael Wrote: Now, that definitely is a "Monster Cable". Smile

Godzilla Cable Rofl
I don't think the cable is long enough for what he needs. You need to post a bigger picture
Ned Scott et. al, pretty sure Panglin made an account to get help, not be belittled. I'm sure you've all had to answer this question before, but do you really want to foster an online community where this is an appropriate response to a new person asking a question? Food for thought.
Ned's right. HDMI is the best way to connect an PC with XBMC to a flat-panel display. If the OP is thinking it's somehow going to happen over wireless, unless that's WiDi, there isn't an XBMC client/app to run on the TV.

A quick Google search shows this question asked and answered several times

Ned, I guess next time use your words?
Picture = 1,000 words
No one is suggesting HDMI isn't the best way, but that isn't what the OP asked. He asked specifically about a smart TV connecting to a PC through its wireless capabilities.
Even if a quick Google search shows it hundreds of times, maybe ignore the question or delete the thread instead of ridiculing the poster.
Most people are disappointed with the usability and usefulness of their 'smart' tvs. The guis are slow and clunky. The support for upnp is patchy and vendor dependent. Codec and container support ditto. Wireless is never a good option for decent bitrate video. So Ned's answer is correct, even if perhaps poorly expressed.
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :) (People with less than 20 posts won't see the "thumbs up" button.)
Completely agree. The words Smart TV are dubious at best and usually downright laughable. That "smart tv" I have has trouble playing 720P without stuttering and buffering. The system updates on occasion, but does it support MKV (Matroska) files? Answer no. How about mounting an ISO? No, not on this Smart TV. The directory UI is flat and I've found that if I am using the Smart TV, I have to completely back out of the function to return to normal control (I can't for example just switch to an HDMI port). The Smart TV can't "fast forward" or rewind, one goes back or forward chapters (which doesn't really appear to be chapters, but appears to be some percentage of the file, but *could be* just time forward/back.

Thinking about it, I've completely hijacked the question to rant. Suffice to say, for me the reason that I got a Raspberry, is to have a SMART TV. Now, I've just got to see about adding a front end.
(2013-09-13, 22:34)card4330 Wrote: Ned Scott et. al, pretty sure Panglin made an account to get help, not be belittled. I'm sure you've all had to answer this question before, but do you really want to foster an online community where this is an appropriate response to a new person asking a question? Food for thought.

I didn't mean to belittle his response. A lot of people are literally unaware that the primary method of using XBMC is to connect the computer via HDMI. It's mentioned in the two main XBMC FAQs (wiki) and a few new user-aimed pages. They are under the impression that XBMC is meant to be used as a server to a network connected TV or AVR.

I was going for "funny" in my response, but only because I've answered such questions so many times. I can see how it could be taken as belittling or being harsh, and for that I apologies.

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Smart TV and XBMC1