List of third party libraries used in XBMC?
I'm doing a short review of the XBMC project in school.
One of the questions I'm trying to answer is how many third party libraries that are used in this specific project.
The review is supposed to be concentrated on the Android version but from what I understand it's the same libraries in all of the platform versions, but ported.
I found out:
Quote:Self-containment - XBMC should be as little dependent as possible on operating-system
and third-party services/deamons/libraries
and a list of ported and not yet ported libraries: here
Are some of those libraries from third party?
Thanks for any answer.
This list should be more usable

the other one is outdated and should be killed
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Thanks! Can I assume that the libraries in the Android column without version (blank cell) are not included?
And all the libraries with links to other sites are third party?
(2013-10-15, 13:47)KaptenPanaka Wrote: Thanks! Can I assume that the libraries in the Android column without version (blank cell) are not included?
And all the libraries with links to other sites are third party?

i just didn't go through the entire list yet.
more can be found here

all libraries are third party
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Thank you again, I appreciate it. Hopefully I can join you in the development at some point after my education.

use the source, Luke...
(2013-10-15, 20:36)davilla Wrote:

use the source, Luke...
So, are those the libs that actually are included in XBMC, rather than the wiki list?

gettext: $(ICONV)
libgcrypt: libgpg-error
fontconfig: freetype2 expat $(ICONV)
libssh2: libgcrypt openssl
curl: openssl libssh2
tiff: libjpeg-turbo
jasper: libjpeg-turbo
libvorbis: libogg
libflac: libogg gettext
libass: fontconfig libpng freetype2 expat $(ICONV)
librtmp: openssl
libmicrohttpd: openssl libgpg-error libgcrypt
python26: expat gettext libxml2 sqlite3 openssl libffi
libcdio: $(ICONV)
afpfs-ng: libgcrypt $(ICONV)
libplist: libxml2 $(ZLIB)
libbluray: $(ICONV) libxml2
libssh: openssl
xbmc-pvr-addons: boost mysql
mysql: openssl
libzip: $(ZLIB)
libmp3lame: $(ICONV)
libpng: $(ZLIB)
openssl: $(ZLIB)
gnutls: nettle $(ZLIB)
nettle: gmp
pythonmodule-pil: $(ZLIB) libjpeg-turbo libpng freetype2 python26
look a little lower down and you will see what might be included or excluded for each supported platform.

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List of third party libraries used in XBMC?0