Error after updating to latest RTMPDUMP
Hi folks,

i replaced some files in the RTMPDUMP folder with the 4 more recent ones (redpenguin)
now i get plugin errors on a few addons like 1channel and mashup....

i never downloaded anything thru XBMC, i only have rtmpdump installed just in case....

here's the log:

seems to have something to do with the metahandlers, but i didnt change anything Sad

btw i have frodo 12.2 on linux mint 15 XFCE

thx in advance
anyone? why did most of my addons stop working after updating rtmpdumpHuh?
ok, so nobody knows why almost none of my addons work after updating rtmpdump, right?

even with the log posted...

thx again... for nothing...

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Error after updating to latest RTMPDUMP0