Lot of XBMC issues giving me grief - Part 2
I once again lost all my configuration settings for Aeon Nox skin after spending months of setting it up to the way I liked it. VERY frustrating !!!
There was nothing unusual or different that I did to cause this to happen. This was after a shutdown of Windows 7 and XBMC that I normally do.

Now when it boots up it boots up with the default confluence skin.

Anyone has an idea why this is happening?
XBMC v16.1 Jarvis, Aeon Nox 5.1.1
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit SP1, CPU: AMD A8-3850 Quad Core Fusion,
MB: ASUS F1A75 V PRO, RAM: 4GB, Video: on board(HDMI), Sound: on board (HDMI),
TV Tuner: Hauppauge HVR-2200
Maybe your guisettings.xml got clobbered or became inaccessible somehow? Is your userdata (wiki) directory on your system's local disk or placed elsewhere? Did you ever find out the cause the first time you lost your settings? Of course it's better to determine the root cause so you can take measures to avoid having this problem recur; however, if that's not feasible, you may want to set up an automatic job that backs up your userdata directory (or at least the guisettings.xml) on a regular basis so you can at least restore your settings to the last backup.
(2013-10-29, 02:49)artrafael Wrote: you may want to set up an automatic job that backs up your userdata directory (or at least the guisettings.xml) on a regular basis so you can at least restore your settings to the last backup.
I was surprised to find a backup copy of userdata directory in my documents folder. I must have backed it up once before. At least I don't have to start from scratch.
I will definitely be setting up a backup process.
This is very serious bug as it wipes clean your userdata. It should be looked at. I cannot replicate the problem now but if this happens again I will try and save the logs.
XBMC v16.1 Jarvis, Aeon Nox 5.1.1
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit SP1, CPU: AMD A8-3850 Quad Core Fusion,
MB: ASUS F1A75 V PRO, RAM: 4GB, Video: on board(HDMI), Sound: on board (HDMI),
TV Tuner: Hauppauge HVR-2200
I don't like to bump old threads, but this just happened to me. I have been using MQ5 for a while, and I just booted up my HTPC only to find that confluence has been selected. Changed back to MQ5, but all settings are gone. Most disappointing.
Now I have another problem
Movies with audio track labeled "Dolby Digital" started to play back in jerky slow mo. without sound. It did not matter whether the video is Xvid, Divx or whatever.
Audio tracks labeled mp3, AAC or dts play fine.

Anyone got an idea why this happened all of a sudden? Anyone got a fix?

It seems to be happening when the Audio output is set to HDMI. When set to Analog it playsback fine.
XBMC v16.1 Jarvis, Aeon Nox 5.1.1
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit SP1, CPU: AMD A8-3850 Quad Core Fusion,
MB: ASUS F1A75 V PRO, RAM: 4GB, Video: on board(HDMI), Sound: on board (HDMI),
TV Tuner: Hauppauge HVR-2200
Check your xbmc audio settings. Did you set DD capable AVR in passthrough device?
The device you're connected to obviously doesn't support decoding Dolby Digital so unselect the "Dolby Digital (AC3) capable receiver" option, in fact it probably doesn't support any of the passthrough formats so you might just be better off sticking with Analog so all passthrough formats are decoded by XBMC into PCM as you'll likely run into the same thing if you have any files that contain DTS or any of the other formats.
It goes direct through to Samsung TV, no receiver. TV is Dolby digital capable
XBMC v16.1 Jarvis, Aeon Nox 5.1.1
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit SP1, CPU: AMD A8-3850 Quad Core Fusion,
MB: ASUS F1A75 V PRO, RAM: 4GB, Video: on board(HDMI), Sound: on board (HDMI),
TV Tuner: Hauppauge HVR-2200
Debug log_file (wiki) is needed then but I'm 95% certain that will show your TV can't accept Dolby Digital on the HDMI.

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Lot of XBMC issues giving me grief - Part 20