Disable Num Lock
Just as the title states. How can I disable the num lock button on my raspberry pi? I've setup each button on my keypad to a different control. I now want to disable excess buttons to prevent anyone from pressing it. I searched the userdata/remote.xml and keyboard.xml but could not find that button in the file.
What are you running on your RPi?
Maybe you can turn on debug mode and see what the OnKey value is for that and map it to noop?
יונתן בן-חיים
20:34:44 T:3041559168 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 45, sym: 012c, unicode: 0000, modifier: 1000
20:34:44 T:3041559168 DEBUG: OnKey: numlock (f0da) pressed, action is
20:34:44 T:3041559168 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 45, sym: 012c, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
20:34:44 T:3041559168 DEBUG: OnKey: numlock (f0da) pressed, action is

I ran a search for numlock and got a lot of garbage. I am looking to modify this in a place where an update will not overwrite my changes.

I am running raspbmc
Anyone have any ideas on what direction to head with this?
Maybe try asking on the RaspBMC forums since this may be distro dependent? http://forum.stmlabs.com/

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Disable Num Lock1