Atv2 sees external hard drive - but not internal drives
I've been using XBMC since the actual xbox days when we modded the chip and did some real hands on stuff... Now I've graduated to atv2/xbmc. I'd used it for about 2 years successfully. Then I updated to windows 8.1 and everything went funky. So, Since, I've reinstalled Windows8 and my tower is working properly again, however, the atv2 only sees the external drive connected to my tower.

I've tried so many different share settings that I've forgotten what I've changed at this point. It's so weird that it would see the external and not the other drives.

I also used the "Fusion" system. I used an app to wipe the old stuff off and re-introduce a recent copy of xbmc.

When I go to SMB it sees the drives I want to select, but when I select the external drive, it opens the folder right up, but when I select the internal drives, it requires a password and username, etc...

I immediately thought it was a Windows8 thing, and tweaked everything. No dice. It seems like a simple thing I'm not doing. What now?

Also, I'm sure there's a step-by-step link you can direct me to that shows how to reset the shares on both machines to start over... Sorry for not looking harder if there is. Thanks for the help.
Well, it turns out...
If you right click the folder you wish to share to SMB/xbmc, then choose "Share with", then click "specific people", then choose "everyone" and add that as a permission group. Then adjust the permissions of the new group and click "share". The folder will be visible from SMB without the password protection.

Granted this is giving you the benefit of the doubt that you went to the windows8 sharing center and turned off password protection

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Atv2 sees external hard drive - but not internal drives0