Linux XBMC library not updating after upgrade to Frodo 12.3
My linux (132.10) Ubunto O/s has just done an auto-update of XBMC to 12.3 and have come across a small issue where the library is no longer updating movies or TV shows either manually or by schedule (startup or XBM auto update add-on).

I use SABNZBD, Sickbeard and Couchpotatto to auto download my movies and TV shows so having the update function in XBMC is fairly important to me

When I try to manually update the library the progress bar displays at the top right corner with "Preparing" displaying above the bar.

I have left the update running overnight (6 hours) and so far has not updated a single item or moved an inch.

Note : I have just updated my Windows XBMC to Frodo 12.3 and the update is working perfectly. Appears to be an issue with my Linux Frodo install.
  • Is there a fix for this issue (that i have not come across yet)
  • is there an easy way i can roll back the update, back to 12.2
  • do I have to completely uninstall XBMC and re-install as a last resort ?)
  • is there a way i can roll-back XBMC to 12.2 or do I have to uninstall-re-install XBMC 12.2
  • if a re-install is necessary is there a copy of Frodo 12.2 available for download ?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
please pastebin a debug log
@wsnipex see

@Ozpeg stop it... One thread is enough.
thx uni. closing this one.

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XBMC library not updating after upgrade to Frodo 12.30