Tv Series Actor thumbs
Hi guys and Girls

I have finnaly gotten xbmc set up the way i like, and I use Media companion to scrape all my data
I like the tv role thumbs per show, but i have noticed that these get cashed iver one another. example Ben Browder for farscape and stargate. Is there something i can do to keep both the thump for farscape when watching info for farscape and when watching the stargate info i see the stargate ben browder thump?
I don't think there is a way to do that. He looks the same in both shows, though, so maybe just find an ambiguous photo :D
hi Thats not true, the tvdb has different actor thumbs per show if i refresh farscape and go look at the thumbs they are farscape actor thubs, and if i then go to stargate they look like the farscape one but if i refresh the show i get stargate actor thumbs
he's the same person, though. He didn't suddenly become a black woman between shows.

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