Frodo 12.3 not grouping movies by set
I have just re-installed my O/S (Ubuntu 13.10) and installed XBMC via the software centre.

Ubuntu installed Frodao 12.3

I scraped my movie collection in to XBMC (using TMDB Scraper) and noticed the movies weren't grouping into sets (like they did in 12.2)

I checked my XBMC Video config, and yes, the option was set to group by set. I also re-scraped my collection using The Universal movie Scraper (to be sure) - and yes, the movies are not grouping.

I then installed XBMC on my 2 Windows machines, and have the same issue

Has anyone come across this yet ?

And does anyone know how to get aroun this hiccup ? Is there an archive of previous releases where I can install Frodo 12.2 (when the movies grouped correctly ?

I know that Frodo 12.3 is not being patched any further due to Gotham's iminent release, but I would appreciate some guidance on fixing this issue. Huh
See Settings/Videos#Library (wiki) Look at the scraper settings also Especially Universal scraper (it has specific settings for this), make sure you are not telling the scraper not to scrape sets or similar.

I dont use 12.3 so cant tell you anything else. But if you continue having problem pastebin a Debug log (wiki) and some screenshots of your scraper settings pages.
I have checked my video settings and Group by Set is definitely selected, as well as checking Universal Scaper, and Sets is definitely selected (sets downloading from TMDB)

Do you know where I can download 12.2 from ?

I never had a problem with 12.2 for Windows and Ubuntu, and would like to go back to it until Gotham is released
Last time you posted about something its was the same crap. You never replied and make assumptions and then went on to open other threads duplicating same question. Its the third time I go after you trying to help, and this was the last time.

Go waste somebody elses time and goodwill

Please forgive my fellow member @uNiversal, he gets a little cranky when he has to step in the real world (where people are irrationally normal).
Your problems may be easily solved if you added nfo files to your entries and manually defined them as sets. The wiki for nfo files is very self explenatory in that regard.
I got into that habit long ago and it has served me well. Please have a look...
Thanks Jacintech. I am extremely appreciative of you stepping in and helping me.

I didn't appreciate Universal's crap and was wondering WTF I had done. I think it must be that time of month for poor old universal. As far as Universal is concerned he can go take a long walk off a short pier, wearing cement shoes.

Once thing he is wrong about is I don't make assumptions. I have been in IT for 25+ years and know to test things. That was why I tested the movie set issue on my linux box (by re-installing twice) and 2 other machines (both Win7) - they all have the same issue after doing a clean install.

As I said in my first post i know 12.3 is not being fixed or worked on any more, so i am not expecting a code fix or anything.

I am guessing that there may be been a accidental coding change made for 12.3 that somehow affected movie sets when 12.3 was released that may not have been picked up - been there, done that.

I understand about the NFO's and agree with you - I have just done a randome check of my movie sets and all the folders I checked all have NFO's in them (the ones that are in sets, anywway). I have approx 120+ sets so don't want to have to go through every movie in those sets (eg my abbott & costello collection has 30+ movies)

Unfortunately I had to do a re-install of Ubintoi 13.10 and the software centre automatically installed 12.3 which has caused me no end of dis-satisfaction, and I can only download 12.3 from the XBMC site.

What I would dearly love to do is uninstall 12.3 and go back to 12.2 but am not able to find any archives repositories or anything. do you know where I can get a copy of 12.2

Please let me know how I can get a copy of 12.2 until Gotham is released ?
I think it would be easier and faster to edit the *.nfo files by pasting this line in it:


as to wait and make a new install....just my 2 cents

If you have this line in your *.nfo files you won´t have any problems with other versions of XBMC in every OS. Even if you eventually switch to Gotham. So it would be a bit of work...but only 1 time!
Thanks David,

I do appreciate your input, regardless of the "cost" Wink

I already know about the "set" line and have used it for a bit of minor maintenance for the odd movie. But my library is massive, and to make this chnage to the affected movie would take me hours if not days or weeks - the movie groups worked PERFECTLY in 12.2 - it's only since the upgrade to the 12.3 POS that they went totally screwy.

Even when I am in XBMC and I select "Movie Information" and refresh the data the movies are not resorting into groups.

I have checked the movies in MediaElch (which has extracted the information from the NFOs) and every movie is in the correct group. I have even downloaded the XBNE NFO editor and am checking every movies (all 1350+ movies), again wasting hours.

All I want to do is rollback to Frodo 12.2 even if it means a fresh install (I don't care about my current data).

Surely someone has a copy they can upload (eg to dropbox) and send me a PM with the link so I can download the software - Frodo 12.3 is a POS !
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Thanks jmarshall.

I installed it last night and all the groups are back to they way they were prior to 12.3

Thanks so much - appreciate your help

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Frodo 12.3 not grouping movies by set0