Win Which XBMC
Hello first of all excuses for my first thread which apparently was not according to the rules.
I was not even aware of piracy talk for i was convinced that every opensource software is legal.

I just want to asked a simple question :
Which XBMC version is the most reliable and most stable untill now !?
For i have tried to get it working for over one year now.

I run windows 8.1 and tried Frodo 2.3 i think
Open source software is legal... it's what it does that may or may not get you the wrong side of the law. So XBMC is perfectly innocent, but some addons are less so, and that's where the rules come in.

In terms of the "correct" version, 12.3 on Windows 8 from the main download page is where I'd start. That give you the official, supported (here) release.

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