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Solved mysql reading problem
Hi all,

I'm kinda here and having some troubles using one shared database. Hope somebody can help me.

At the moment I use 3 Raspberry Pi's to view movies and series stored on my NAS in different rooms. The use of one database would be awsome so you can see what episodes or movies you have whatched.

I set up a mysql 5.1.36 server (newer isn't available) on my QNAP and created a user for access. Added the advancedsettings.xml on one RPi and made new connections to my movies. I can see them being added to the database (via phpmyadmin) but when I look at movies there are non shown. When I go to movies/files I see the share and can access the files.

At first I thought it was a performance issue so I ran these commands in mysql:

ALTER TABLE movie ADD INDEX idMovie(idMovie);
ALTER TABLE movie ADD INDEX idFile(idFile)

Although the writing to the database went much quicker, there was stil not one movie shown.

If needed I can supply a error log but see no option here to add files.

Thanks for who want's to help me.
Error logs can be uploaded to / etc
Be sure to make a debug log (wiki), not a regular one.
Ok, I guess this must be it.
Hi all,

I did some digging today and think I came a bit further but not at the wanted endresult.

I read in an older post ( there are missing tables. Movie specific :episodeview, movieview,musicvideoview and tvshowview. I checked my database and they where indeed missing.

I also read in another post it's advisable to import an sqlite file into mysql but I'm getting error messages all over, even after a dump to sql file.

Is there somebody who can give me the sql commands to add te right tables to the mysql Mymusic and Myvideos datbases?

Take out the <name> parts of advancedsettings.xml for a start.
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Thanks for your input Nickr. I've allready removed this line because I noticed extra databases with double numbers were created. For movies it created Myvideos7575.
After that sort of c*** up with the numbering I'd remove all the xbmc databases from mysql and start afresh.
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You do not need to create any databases manually - XBMC should do that. Creating databases manually might screw up the creation done by xbmc - i am not sure if we test against that.
At this moment I think I have rebuild the database for about 20 times or more. Maybe The processing from the Raspberry is to slow. Later this week I'll try with a linux system I have here.

BTW, All the times I rebuild the databases the tables episodeview, movieview,musicvideoview and tvshowview are not added to the database. This could be the reason as mentioned and linked in my previous post. The xbmc user is granted all rights on data and structure. It seems to me administration rights is to much.
Maybe this is a good time to ask - why does xbmc use such unintuitive field names in the databases:

c00     text     Local Movie Title

Why is this called c00 when the intuitive field name is movie_title ?
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Done some testing with Linux version. The building of the database went much quicker but still no list of the files that were put in the database. The earlier mentioned tables are also missing with this databasebuild.

I was wondering. Isn't it possible to use a .db file and place it on a netwerk drive? I used Mediamonkey some years ago and that workt good that way. Maybe performance wise not the best option but easy to do by a non database wiz Smile
(2014-02-18, 12:09)Edwinus Wrote: Done some testing with Linux version. The building of the database went much quicker but still no list of the files that were put in the database. The earlier mentioned tables are also missing with this databasebuild.

I was wondering. Isn't it possible to use a .db file and place it on a netwerk drive? I used Mediamonkey some years ago and that workt good that way. Maybe performance wise not the best option but easy to do by a non database wiz Smile
You cannot use sqlite multiuser.

What do you mean "list of files that were put in the database" - where do expect this list to appear?

Do the clients actually work against the database?
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@nickr, Sorry for being cryptic Wink

What I ment is that the building of the database seems to go ok besides the earlier mentioned tables. When I look in phpmyadmin I see the databases being created again and filled. When the building is done I go in XBMC to movies and there is no listing of the movie although then have been added to the database.
time for another debug log I think.
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@Edwinus: Just a tip, to save you time, copy half a dozen movies to a separate directory and use that directory as your media source until you have resolved all your MySQL problems. There's no point scraping your entire movie library each time, only for you to determine you still haven't fixed the problem. Once the problem is fixed you can then try scraping all your movies.
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