Looking at Zbox ID83
About to build HTPC - want it predominantly for XBMC with full 1080 & 3D capable performance

Spec for $$$, at $319 (bare - will add SSD & Memory) the ZBox ID83 looks like my choice - just looking for a sanity check endorsement that I can't do too much wrong here.

What else should I consider at this price?
In the Zbox range, the ID88 is very similar price - has the 2500 vs 4000 graphics though, although faster CPU.

In the NUCs they are either less, or more $$ - don't think I need the i5 specs and the i3 has lower spec/ features than the ID83 (which includes optical audio port)

Am I missing anything? What else should I look at before I pull the trigger?
The Asus vivo pc line.
What did you get in the end? How is it working?

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Looking at Zbox ID831