xbmc player for tv

I currently run XBMC on my macbook air. I have managed to stream to my apple tv and use a bluetooth speaker underneath but the quality is pretty poor so I'd like to get a standalone box to connect to my TV.

I'm fairly proficient with a PC but the Mac is all new to me. I've had a look at a few threads but they are pretty complicated for my level of knowledge and I just want something fairly easy to set up and then to run with. Will only be used to watch videos really. Don't want to spend a fortune if possible.

All help appreciated!
I should probably mention I am in the UK
Where are you getting your source material? What "video" are you planning on playing?

Which ATV do you have? (1, 2, 3?)

There are plenty of options from $70+ on up to as high as you want, and all depends if you want a pc under you tv or not.
I think it's Apple TV 2 - i bought it about 2 years ago new from the Apple store. I don't really want a PC, was thinking more like another small box similar to Apple TV.

I'm looking for an option that won't cost a fortune but I also don't want it to freeze up or buffer all the time when I want to watch something.

I'm thinking just streaming video the same as I do on my Macbook - fox new etc.
I actually just posted a thread asking about the same question. I didnt even see this one. I just want a box that can stream my content similar to an apple tv. Does it have to be a htpc? I want to stream it from a server that was just set up in my house.

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