Little Glitch :)
settings>screensaver>slideshow folder

will not let you ok a selected folder... cancel is the only option.
me stupid.

me fix tonight Smile
just for personal learning is it related to the onclick in guidialogfilebrowser.cpp?

oh and due to feature freeze i posted a bug report on sf! request id # 1456999. Smile

by the book...

no in the onclick but in the onmessage gui_msg_clicked.

basically, i added, ehrr, fixed, support for browsing for writable directories yesterday. in the process i forgot to check that general browsing worked. you'll see an if (m_bbrowsingforfolders == 2) there, add

m_bconfirmed = true;

to that if.
works a treat Smile
another little one sorry spiff!

if you go into the cdda rip filebrowser and then just cancel or exit without change you cannot rip until you re-enter and physically change it back to a physical folder.

even though it states it has not changed.
i cannot reproduce that particular problem, but i fixed an issue where the initial path was set to the shortened path, not the correct one. can't see how that should give that effect though.

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